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Weird Food Combinations You Have To Try

Watermelon is always a good summer fruit that is nice enough to eat on its own. But, you do you know what you can add to make it taste better? Today’s round up is about uncommon food combination that will make the food taste better. Get ready for a whole new taste that will light up your taste buds!

1. Peanut Butter & Ramen

This is odd but it’s gonna make your broth all nutty and savory. Scoop two teaspoon of peanut butter into the broth and stir. Serve hot.


2. Apple Sandwich

Make a sandwich out of apple. At first, I thought they were gonna squeeze in slices of apples into the bread. Funny! But, this one is much more better. It’s a crunchy and tasty almond butter and granola sandwiched between two slices of apples.


3. Sour Patch Grapes

5 minutes is all it takes to transform your grapes into a whole new tasty experience. First you need to soak the grapes. Then, roll them on a collagen-coconut mix. Shaking the in a plastic bag works too. Then, use toothpick to pick them out if you don’t want to pour everything out.


4. Salt On Watermelon

This is actually quite common in Asian countries. Putting a bit of salt onto the watermelon will make it sweeter.


5. Chocolate Chip Raspberry

It’s red and has chocolate in it. Reminds you of anything? If you ask me, it’s an ideal Valentine’s gift! Dark chocolate pairs perfectly with the raspberry flavor. It’s an easy recipe that you have to serve in parties. They’re gonna be all gone like hotcakes!


6. Fruit & Yogurt Cones

Ice cream cones isn’t just a good sidekick to your delicious ice cream. It makes a good combo with fruit and yoghurt too!


7. Coca Cola Chocolate Cake

It’s weird! They’re meant to be drinks. You can turn it into ice cream if you want to. But, baking? That’s new! Checkout the link below to see how you can make this new tasty cake!


8. 7 Up Chocolate Biscuits

After seeing what you can do with pop drinks, I can’t help to research more on what we can do with others. So, this is another one. Sprite biscuits. Probably hard to imagine how it tastes like. You’ve gotta see how they’re making this. Recipe via link below!


9. Nutella Oatmeal

Oatmeal banana is just one common breakfast until you add Nutella into it. It becomes a supreme breakfast!


10. Banana Hotdog

This is like the vegetarian option to the common hot dogs. It feels like something that people simply do just because banana and hot dogs share a common shape. Whether it tastes good or not, I’ll let you find that out by yourself! Recipe via link below.


It’s amazing how we can put on different mixes of food to create new tastes. Hope these recipes or ideas here opened your eyes wide to new culinary possibilities. Try them out. You might just find one amazing treat that you can serve at oncoming parties and events.

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