17 Useful Reuse Plastic Bottles Ideas
Useful Reuse Plastic Bottles Ideas
Plastic happens to be one of the greatest invention of mankind. It’s durable and can be shaped into all sort of things that can be use of us. But, it does have one disadvantage. It can take over 450 years to disintegrate. And that could be harmful to the environments. Turtles and other animals have been reported to have consumed these inedible objects. Some even choked by it. Plastic isn’t exactly a bad invention. It’s a problem of human behavior. So, teach our younger generations to dispose them in the proper place. Or better yet, teach them to turn plastic bottles into something useful. Checkout these ideas!
1. Zipper Container
Combine both ends of the bottles to make a zipper container. Use a hot glue gun to stick the zipper to the plastic end. It’s a cheap way to store your items for camping or traveling.
Adjust the height according to your needs. Pencil case anyone?
2. Decorative Containers
Look at that pretty design! It’s quite similar to the zipper container (no. 1) but without zippers. It looks fancy and definitely make a nice weekend project with your kids.
3. Indoor Herb Garden
Plastic bottles takes super long time to break down. It’s harmful for nature but it’s also the perfect quality for a DIY planter. Checkout the tutorial via link below.
4. Charging Phone Holder
5. Ottoman
Had a party recently? Left with tons of plastic soda bottles and not sure what to do with it? Say, do you need a chair by any chance? If it’s a yes to all that, then take a look on how you can make this via the tutorial link below.
6. Self-watering Seed Starter Pot
The end of terms of service of a plastic bottle could be the start of a new seedling’s life.
7. Elegant Planter
Give a nice metallic paint job on a cut-out plastic bottle to give it a touch of elegance. Looks nice! Since there’s lots of different bottle designs out there, get one of those unique ones! Then, turn them into these metallic planters. Chances are people won’t even able to tell that these planters are made of plastic bottles unless you tell them.
8. Flower Containers
Dress up the trunk of your naked tree with these cozy planters!
You can also do the same for the walls. Look at this magnificent wall of plants!
9. Fairy House
Believe it or not, this fairy house is made with plastic bottles! Well, not entirely. It’s later coated with aluminium foil and paper clay. After some painting job, it’ll look amazing!
10. Garden Light
It looks almost like a single stalk of white flower glowing in your garden.
11. Kitchen Utensil Holder
Cut out a flap for the hook and you’ll transform plastic bottle into a utensil holder.
12. Bottle Cap Clock
Not bad for junks! It’s note that difficult to be done as well considering there’s clock kits for sale and everything. It’s up to you to make a clock out of any thing you can find with it!
13. Broom 
You can stack several bottles together for these. Make sure you cut the strips finely so it’ll work better in sweeping those small debris.
14. Piggy Bank
Ahh… the good old piggy bank. Safe guarding your money even if it’s just made of plastic. Checkout the tutorial via link below!
15. Bottle Lamp
The bottle act as a lamp shade. You can install rollers at the bottom for better portability. But, its light so that won’t be necessary actually. Just for the fun of kicking it around.
16. Trash Can
It doesn’t exactly contain the garbage inside. But, it does serve as a nice foundation to hold your garbage bags.
17. Toothbrush Holder
Every toilet needs a toothbrush holder. Cut out holes and glue the bottle openings with hot glue gun. You might want to poke holes at the bottom to allow water to flow out.
Hope the ideas here will be inspiring to you. Even if they’re not, it’s still something fun to read about. Share it if you like it!