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Easy Cleaning Hacks

Cleaning the house can be a painful process. There’s intense scrubbing and choosing the right soap to use. But, there’s a way to make it easier! LearnĀ  from the experience of others and find out ways to clean up that you probably never thought of with the cleaning hacks in this list.

1. Mayonnaise & Crayons

Sometimes, kids want to practice their art on the wall of their own rooms. But, don’t let that get into you. There’s a way to remove it without all the scrubbing. Just dab some mayonnaise on it and wait for a few minutes. Then, wipe it off with a damp cloth. The oil in the mayo breaks down the wax in the crayon.


2. Permanent Marker On Skin

Permanent markers are permanent, or is it? Just dab some rubbing alcohol onto it and wipe it all off. Easy peasy.


3. Organic Carpet Stain Cleaner

Dirt and food on the carpet can be cleaned using iron and vinegar. But first, you need to mix 1 part of vinegar with 2 parts of water. Spray it on the stain. Then, lay a damp cloth over before ironing that area for 30 seconds. Repeat as necessary. Be careful not to use this method on ink or dye stains as it will make it worse.


4. Remove Water Ring From Table

Placing a glass of water on a table may leave water ring stains on it if you’re not using coasters. Luckily, it’s also easy to remove them. Blow the stained area with a blow-dryer at its highest setting until the mark fades away. It may take up to 20 minutes. So, be patient. After the stain is removed, put some olive oil on it to protect the surface.


5. Deep Clean Cotton/Linen Couch

The couch is always a nice for binge watching netflix while eating potato chips. And so, it’s prone to stain from dead skin cells and food bits. Make your sofa look new again by pouring the entire couch with baking soda. It deodorizes the smell. Let it sit for 20 minutes before vacuuming it up.

After that, look for any stubborn stain. Brew up a homemade carpet cleaner by mixing these together in a spray bottle:

  • 1 teaspoon dish washing liquid
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of white vinegar
  • 1 cup of warm water

Spray the area with the mix. Rub and dab the area with a towel until the stains are all gone.


6. Chalk For Greasy Food Stains

Sometimes, we accidentally get greasy food stains on our clothes while cooking or eating. Instead of using heavy bleach, try rubbing it with chalk instead. The chalk will absorb the grease away. So, they can be removed easily with normal wash later.


7. Rubbing Alcohol For Keyboard

Human hands get oily and will stain the keyboard after prolonged use. Sometimes, we like to eat and type as well. That certainly makes the keyboard oily and we need to clean them. Use Q-tip for hard to reach places to remove the food scraps from between the keyboards. An old toothbrush can help with that as well. Then, dab a little bit of isopropyl alcohol onto the Q-tip and rub it gently over the keyboard buttons to remove the grease.


8. Iron Skillet

Iron skillet are one of the best cooking ware around. It retains heat well and so, is the right tool to be used to cook certain food. Because it’s made with iron, special care is needed to prevent it from rusting. To clean it off food stains, you can pour some kosher salt into the warm skillet. Then, scrub it with a kitchen towel. After that, discard the salt and rinse it with hot water. Dry it over a medium low flame to quickly remove the moisture.


9. Vinegar To Clean Shower Head

After long use, the shower head may seem to be blocked and water don’t flow as smoothly as it used to before. That means calcium deposits from the water has started to build up at the pores. To remove them, simply soak the shower head in vinegar. The vinegar will break down the calcium deposit. But, you need to leave it overnight. If you have detachable shower heads, that will easy the work. Else, you might need to improvise a way to hold a bag of vinegar over the shower head like the image above.


10. Cleaning The Window Sills

After cleaning the window glass, there’s still the window sill that needs to be cleaned. The window sill happens to be a narrow space that is hard to reach. You could vacuum them but it might not be able to reach the tight spaces that well. For a more efficient cleaning of the sills, use a cotton bud dipped in vinegar. The vinegar will wipe the grime out.


Hope the tips here will make you a better cleaner. There’s certainly more parts of the house that needs cleaning. Depending on the methods we use, some take more time than others. So, stay tuned as we discover more efficient way to clean the house!

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