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DIY Fall Crafts and Decorations

Looking for more DIY fall crafts ideas to give you inspiration and motivation for this coming Fall home decoration ? Well, we got you covered with some wonderful and beautiful DIY fall tutorials and ideas.

1. Fall Center Table Decor

This tutorial shows you how to make the dinner table box only. What you put in the box is up to you! Or you can just follow the tutorial by putting pumpkins and mason jar for decoration.


2. Painted Pine corns

It was a beautiful art of work by painting the pine corns with vibrant colors.


3. Pumpkin Spice Soap

A pumpkin spice soap fragrance reminds us of Fall. The tutorial shows a 10-minute step-by-step to make a pumpkin spice soap.


Check out more interesting pumpkin DIY crafts here.

4. Leafy Garland

Why stop decorating indoor? Try this tutorial to decorate your backyard with a beautiful leafy garland. All you need are lots of artificial leaves, satin ribbons and hot glue.


5. Paper Cone Gratitude Wreath

Express your gratitude this Thanksgiving by making this amazing paper cone wreath.


6. Pumpkin Vase

Fall is always associated with pumpkin. Why not make a pumpkin vase for this season?


7. Candy Corn colored Bottles

Re-purpose old wine bottles into candy corn colored bottles. Spray the bottles with yellow, orange and white paint to give the season feel.


8. Fall Basket

Bring your Fall garden into your home with a delightful basket.


9. Rose Leaf

Take some of Autumn leafs and make them into a beautiful Rose.


More Autumn leaf DIY ideas here.

10. Cinnamon Stick Candle

The cinnamon tick candle can make as a nice center piece on dining table. It brings out the aromatic smile of cinnamon during dinner.


11. Fall Owl Mason Jar

The DIY craft ideas will not be complete without using mason jar. The tutorial shows you how to make a owl mason jar with glittering spray.


12. Falling Leaf Block

This is perfect crafts to decorate your dining table. See the tutorial to make a falling leaf block. Sewing skill is required.


13. Fall Blossom

Fall reminds us the falling leafs. This tutorial teaches you the way to make fall blossom branches that is prefect for DIY project.


14. Potato Stamped Wreath

Make a potato stamped wreath and frame it by following the DIY tutorial.


15. Pine Cone Garland

Still can’t get enough of garland decoration? Try make a pine cone garland.


16. Chalkboard Pumpkin

The chalkboard pumpkin is a versatile decoration where you can draw any patterns or words with different color chalk on it.


17. Corn Stalks

Decorate your front porch with corn stalks, hay bales and pumpkins.


18. Sweater Pillow

Keep yourselves warm and cozy with your own sewed sweater pillow.


19. Glass Vase Candle holder

Need more fresh idea candle holder? Check the tutorial out for this fabulous glass vase candle holder.


20. White pumpkin and Pine Cones

Decorate your dining table with this beautiful white pumpkin and pine cones in a glass vase decoration.


Our ultimate list of best DIY craft ideas.



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