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Christmas Craft Ideas With Wine Bottles

Save some money this Christmas with homemade Christmas crafts! Upcycle old bottles with a touch of personalization. It’s amazing how a normal bottle can turn out to be some amazing home decorative with a little bit of creativity. From a simple flower vase to a holiday-themed centerpiece, its versatility is only limited by our imagination. Let’s checkout some amazing crafts that you can make this festive season with wine bottles. 

1. Christmas Joy Chalkboard Paint Wine Bottles

It’s chalk! You can rub it off and use for other occasions after Christmas!


2. Christmas Light In Wine Bottles

Checkout the basic way of putting string lights into bottles via link below.


3. Snowy Wine Bottles

Elegant blue ribbon and white flower made this presentation truly unique.


4. Snowman Decorated Bottle

Snowman bottle ready for Christmas!


5. Lighted Wine Bottle Centerpiece

Just put the bottle in a small Christmas wreath.


6. Lighted Frost Painted Bottles With Snowflake Stickers

This is amazing. Try get more bottles of different colors for different effects.


7. Mr. and Mrs. Clause

The star couple of Christmas.


8. Set of 3 Joy Bottles

It comes in 3 just like the musketeers.


9. Glittered Bottle Lights

Spray with sealant so the glitter won’t come off that easily.


10. Glass Art Painted Bottle

A simple bottle can become a nice unique canvas for those with artistic skills.


11. Outdoor Candle Luminary


Tutorial on how to cut a glass bottle here.

12. Lighted Blue Wine Bottle Decorated With Faux Holly Berry

Glorious blue. Looks nice both outdoors and indoors.


13. Winter Tree

Remember to cover the tree pattern with paper patterns before spraying it with paint!


14. Jute Wrapped Bottle With Candle Stand

A magnificent centerpiece with a working candle stand. Probably better weighted for stability.


15. Winter Bottle

Fabulous blue glittered leaves combined with frost painted bottles creates this magical presentation of winter bottle.


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