30 Creative Ways To Add Artistic Touch To Your Walls
A wall is usually seen as a canvas in the eyes of an artist. It’s blank and broad. It definitely deserves something on there! One thing that we would always think of is to put decorative shelves. Just place some planks on the wall and put your photos, travel souvenirs, planters, award certificate and more. Some may have collection of prints, clocks, and even skateboards that they can make a wall gallery out of those. It’s really a game of creativity with what you have. In this post, we will be looking for more ways that you can possibly copy to turn your home into none like other! Let’s check it out!
1. Geometric Peacock Feather With Reclaimed Wood
Reclaimed wooded planks get cut into shape and painted to become this marvelous piece of geometric peacock feather. Play around with some sketches to get the look and color right.
2. Clock With Abstract Art Extensions
With a clock kit, you can pretty much make your own clock. What’s left to do is the body of the clock. Sketch out some random abstract shapes and cut it out. You can use foam board for this and glue them up together. Finally, give it a metallic spray paint job to give it a luxurious glow.
3. Shelves With Painted Background
Shelves come in all shapes and sizes. For this idea, you don’t need a decorative wall shelf with complex design. Even a simple one will do. The trick here is to actually paint a shape surrounding the shelf. Have a mix of color that will suit your home!
4. Playful Art Print Frames
Putting framed arts on wall is not a stranger to most of us. You can easily find any art online and print it out. The art touch here is to paste the printed art onto a colored background. Try creating a rainbow array of colors and fill up the hall way with it!
5. Origami Bird With Washi Tape
Washi tape is a pretty common item to create geometrical wall art such as this origami bird. For thicker lines, you can use a masking tape. Make markings on the wall with pencil and take your time to line up the art. Since it’s not using paint, there’s a lot of room for trial and error!
6. Mandala Corner
Here’s a 3D mandala art by Danilo Root. It’s indeed an intricate design that would give a huge upgrade to the corner of your wall!
7. Huge Words Or Phrase
Fond of certain quotes? Put it on a wall! Framing them is just too common. Why not kick it up a notch? Bigger is better!
8. Window Sketch
Doodles are fun to sketch! You can try it out on some paper first before realizing it onto your wall. Sketching for ideas is just half the fun. The exciting part is to actually make your mark on the wall. You can use marker pen to give a long lasting look.
9. Wall Mural

Bring the street art into your house! Fill up that corner of the wall with motivational words and positive vibe. It’ll be an awesome idea to put at the wall where you would meditate.
10. Hues Of Green Mosaic Wall
Paint some shades of green. Green is associated with relaxation as it is the closest color to that of green forest. Plus, with some potted greens, it’ll make your journey to the loo a serene and tranquil one.
11. Falling Shelves And Crooked Door Illusion
Create illusions in your home! That paint job on the wall makes the door look as if it’s gonna open in that crooked way. Probably not a welcoming sight when you’re drunk!
12. Yellow Box Space
Yellow is for focus. That home office space deserves a different color to help boost your productivity! Having a unique spot like this will help you get into the zone and get things done! Working from home is getting pretty common. Hence, it pays to give that extra effort to make it nice!
13. Climbing Workout Wall
Step into a new world! These installations gives the feel as if you’ve just entered into a different world. These workout wall designs are not just for show. It’s also a functional indoor gym station where you get to work your six packs out!
14. Crow Light
Lights come in all kind of designs. When you have one type that dangles around like this, perhaps it’s a good idea to design some bird hooks to hang them up!
15. Lamp Highlight
This lamp is shining rays of hope onto this part of the gloomy wall! When you have something as flashy as this, it’ll bring the eyes’ focus onto that area. It’s probably a great idea if you could set up such design for showing off something cool like trophies or rare collector’s item.
16. Lighted Wall Map
Are you a travel bug? Chances are you probably have a map like that somewhere on your wall. Don’t stop there. Put a string light around to give it a light show!
17. Artificial Climbing Ivy
Having greens in the house is always a welcoming sight even if they’re artificial plants. The hanging lanterns here is just nice to make this corner of the house a little bit different than others. It’ll be great to stuff it with some electronic candles too when you want to set up a warm night for gatherings!
18. Butterfly Wall
Fill your home with butterfly wall decor! You can either print out these butterflies or buy them from local stores. Arrange them in a natural way as how they would be flying around. You can put them onto the plants in your house too!
19. Wall of Triangles
It’s a play of simple shape with mix of colors! This wall looks totally awesome with such a simple addition. You can probably use a sponge cut into triangle shape. Then, dip into different color and stamp it onto the wall precisely. Some pre-planning work might be needed so get it going!
20. Bird Plate Wall
You’ve probably seen people hanging up china plates on the wall. With some creative layout arrangement, those can turn out to be an epic art design that basically make your wall into an art gallery. In case you don’t have anything of such sort, you can make your own art with simple and plain plates! It’s like drawing on a scenery onto the plates and assemble them together like a jigsaw puzzle.
21. Framed Calendar Prints
Calendars often have unique art design dedicated for each month. When the year is over, don’t throw those out just yet. Cut them out and frame it onto the wall!
22. Straw Hats
Straw hats or any kind of hats come in their own shape, color and textures too! If you have a lot of random hats around, it’s probably a great idea to put them up for a display! So, if you’re traveling anywhere in the future, try look for an object to collect. Collect the same object across different countries and you’ll have some unique things to beautify the wall with.
23. Kitchen Tool Revamp
Whenever you get kitchen tools always get the wooden ones. Because it’s always the wooden ones that get to be upcycled into something as magnificent as this wall right here! The chopping board gets revamped into planters that can hold up some greens. The rolling pin and smaller chopping board can be grouped onto the same wall without looking awkward. Now, just imagine if those are plastic or metal. That won’t work that great does it?
24. Decorative Baskets
Other than hats, baskets are also some great items to hunt for during your vacation to build your unique wall gallery.
25. Nature Green Wallpaper with Potted Greens To Match
Everyone is all into minimalist now that people tend to forget that there’s beauty in chaos. This wall full of random greens and flowers just spells out magnificent.
26. Clothes Hanger Wall
It’s probably not a common thing to be collecting cloth hangers. But, if you have such similar hobby, maybe it’s time to figure out a way to put those up!
27. Paper Flower Arc
There’s tons of ways on how you can decorate home with flowers. There’s the usual putting them into vases. Then, there’s also decorating the wall with flowers. These gigantic flowers will probably be the first thing that catches the attention of those who step into your house!
Get some technical ideas here.
28. Sketches And Figurines
Figurines and sketches go hand in hand to turn this wall into a work of art. It’s almost like a scenery that combines 2D drawings and 3D figurines together.
29. Miniature Wall-attached Buildings
Looking for something unusual? This mini wooden house is something that you’re probably looking for! It’s made of reclaimed wood. Hence, you can see that worn out wooden surface. You can also make it with cardboards. That’ll give you better control. Better yet, try set up a light inside. Night time is gonna be mind-blowing!
30. Small Mirrors On Frames
Hangers, baskets and hats are not the only things that you can rearrange to decorate the wall. Small rounded mirrors too can be used to make an eccentric home decor. It’s so small that you can’t actually use it but it does have that wow factor!