19 Jaw Dropping Artistic Gardens You Need To See Now
When we talk about gardens, you probably though of a variety of greens or flowers planted all around in weird patterns. At least, that’s what people commonly do to grow their very own flower garden. There’s nothing wrong with that but there is a way to make it stand out among your community. You can arrange it in a specific pattern or involve other objects such as the body of a car, giant paste tube or erect a sculpture with flower pots. Yes, you heard it right! With extreme effort comes extreme art! Art that will wow people and inspire many! Checkout these fascinating garden ideas and get ready to have your minds blown away!
1. Chess Board Flower Bed
Create your own chess board of flowers! When these flower plants grow big enough, you’ll get amazing hiding spots for Easter eggs!
2. Flower Tube Paste
Gardening can be so tedious as it takes a lot of time to grow blooming flowers. Wouldn’t it be easier if you can just squeeze them out of a tube? Incorporating large objects into your garden makes it amazing!
3. Flowerfall
Abundant of flowers are flowing out of this giant planter pot! That’s just breathtaking!
4. Lake Garden
Create the landscape you want using flowers! Like literally grow your own landscape! This flower garden has bluish flowers that resemble that of a lake. There’s two swans chilling there among all the floras.
5. Flower Paint Board Garden
Create huge objects in your garden and grow some flowers while you’re at it! This artist’s paint board has bushes of flowers as the paint palettes!
6. Car Garden
Have an old car that you would want to abandon in the scrapyard? Hold that thought! Why not grow your garden all around it?
7. Cobra Flower Sculpture
It’s scary and beautiful at the same time! It’s a giant cobra made out of flowers! Just imagine all the work put to erect this shocking cobra! It probably set some people running for their lives!
8. Flower Clock In Dubai Garden
Why have just a flower garden when you can have both a garden and a clock all together? Not forgetting to mention that epic giant peacock with purple flower tail enveloping the entire clock! It’s epic and that’s Dubai for you!
9. Giant Ice Cream Tub Planter

You can shape your garden into any form! That includes a giant ice cream cone!
10. Giant Flower Hay Rolls
Play around with world objects. These hay rolls are painting flower gardens as they go!
11. Mother Nature
Mother nature shows her face every now and then. Here’s an amazing nature sculpture with hair full of flowers!
12. Garden Crown

It’s a 13-foot tall, 11,000 pound crown made of 13,500 individual plants in London. It’s not just a huge assembly of plants. It’s a huge crown!
13. Cat Garden
Having a flower garden is cool. But, you can’t get cooler than having a cat topiary surrounded by flowers in your garden!
14. Cinderella and Prince Charming
There’s no limit to how you can sculpt your own garden. This Disney’s Cinderella and Prince Charming is just a majestic sight that will be imprinted into the hearts of those who set their sight upon such beauty!
15. Flower House
If you can grow flowers on a car, you can too all over a house!
16. Butterfly Garden
Butterfly is synonymous with flowers. This powerful combination of both is just perfect!
17. Butchart Garden
It’s like you have a planter made out of green plants with tons of colorful flowers in it.
18. Peacock Flower Garden
Beautiful vibrant flowers make up the tail of this majestic peacock. The effort is enormous but the reward is legendary!
19. Andalusian House Wall Garden
This is the courtyard of old andalusian house. When you don’t have landed garden space, consider bringing it up to the walls!