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Easy Kitchen Hacks

Today, we will be showing you guys some useful tips that will make you more efficient in the kitchen. It’ll take your food handling skills to the next level. Read till the end!

Don’t miss:

10 Smart Kitchen Hacks That’ll Make Your Life Easier – Part 2

1. Peel Ginger With Spoon

This actually works! Use a spoon to scrap the rough skin off the ginger. It’s an efficient way of peeling ginger with almost zero waste.


2. Peel Garlic The Easy Way

Now, you can peel garlic the super-fast way. Just smash it all, put inside a container and shake!


3. Reuse Cheese Wrapper

Cut a section of the cheese that you want to use. Then, slot the wrapper right back into the other part before putting it back into the fridge. It’ll preserve the cheese quality.


4. Marshmallow With Brown Sugar

Store marshmallow with brown sugar. The marshmallow will absorb moisture, preventing your brown sugar from clumping together.


5. Cooking Spray on Measuring Cup

Use cooking spray on the measuring cup when you’re measuring sticky food stuff like honey. That way, it will slide out more easily and won’t stick to the cup’s surface.


6. Preserve Fresh Herb In Olive Oil

Putting herbs in freezer is known as the best way to preserve them for a long time. Putting them into trays of olive oil will allow you to easily pop them out for later use. Don’t worry about the coloration. Olive oil tends to become opaque when frozen.


7. Peel Orange The Fast Way

Chop off the top and bottom part of the orange. Then, make a cut right in the middle and roll them out. It’s a quick way to cut and serve your oranges.


8. Store Lemons Up To A Month

You don’t even have to put this into the freezer. Fill in a jar with water and throw a few lemons in. The lack of air will help keep the lemons juicy and ready for use when you need it. Just be sure all the lemons are fully submerged in the water.


9. Slice Out A Thin Onion Piece Every Time

Onions are one of the top choice to be put in salads and burgers. But, they’re not that pleasant to be eaten raw. So, having a thinner slice will help to enjoy the food more. So, use a potato peeler instead of slicing it with a knife.


10. Slice Cake Easily With Hot Knife

Run through knife in hot water and wipe it dry before cutting your cake. It’ll run through smoothly like butter.


11. Store Ice Cream In Zip Lock Bag To Keep It Smooth

Ice cream become super hard when ice crystals are trapped in the ice cream. This makes it hard to be scooped out with a spoon. Putting it in plastic zip lock bag will prevent these ice crystals from forming inside it. Thus, you’ll maintain its creaminess.


If you think the ideas here are cool, share it! Share it with your mom, or anyone you know that cooks. It’ll save their time and help them a lot!

Read more related post:

10 Smart Kitchen Hacks That’ll Make Your Life Easier – Part 2

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