30 Fun Pebble Art For Your Home Decoration
It’s always nice to have different things to put up on the wall. At one corner you can have book shelves with planters. On another corner, probably some wall hanging planters or wall Christmas tree. Macrame is a pretty trendy thing as well. Together, they add variety to the look and feel of your home. There’s a lot more ideas out there and today, we’re going to target a specific one. Decorations don’t have to be expensive. Sometimes, you just need some pebbles that you pick up by the road side or during your hiking trip. What’s important is to be patient. You might need to observe and use your imagination on how to use the piece. It’s like solving a puzzle but the answer is in your imagination. Let’s checkout some of these amazing ideas!
1. Bee Hive
It’s art with pebbles, twigs and blunt glasses that you can find in the beach! The beehive is made with line ups of pebbles. You can use a marker pen to shade the opening of the hive. Then, use the glass bits for the leaves. They look totally gorgeous together. With these materials, try make up a different scene. Imagination is all you need.
2. Family of Rabbits
Fans of rabbits would adore this art! It’s easy to make just need some time in the garden to pickup the best pebbles!
3. 3D Dog
Who would’ve knew that you can create a 3D dog sculpture out of pebbles! It makes a fine ornament to have on your table or shelves. Makes a good paper weight as well.
4. Rock Turtle
Painted rocks form flock together to form this beautiful sea creature. It has all the parts that make up a turtle!
5. Foot Prints
These little footprints are cute! You can put these up by the garden. You don’t even need to use hot glue gun. Just place them carefully onto the soil and that’s pretty much it!
6. Girls Holding Umbrella
Create wonderful works of art with pebbles. The irregular shape actually can fit somewhere if you use your imagination!
9. Birds On Swing
This is one simple art that you can make with pebbles. These birds sitting on the swing are the cutest art you can make!
10. Painted Owl
A little nice ornament for your shelves! You can even put them in between branches of your garden so it kinda gives it life!
11. Colorful Birds On Wooden Slice
Combine several materials from nature together such as wooden slice, driftwood and pebbles. Some painting can be done to blend everything together and make them whole!
12. Adorable Couple
This feels like something exciting to give for Valentine’s day! The little pebbles make up the head of the characters. Some painting are necessary around it. So, you have to squeeze some creative juice out! Have fun!
13. Snowman
It’s an adorable snowman! Other than being quite simple to make, it actually makes a nice decor for your kids’ room as well.
14. The Pianist
If you are a pianist and looking for more ideas for ornaments that have the music theme, this maybe it! It’s cost free too!
15. Home
Another random art to fill the wall with. Frame it and put it up somewhere in between your gallery of family photos.
16. Pots of Cactus
These cacti are totally maintenance free! You can put them outdoors or indoors! Fill the ledge of the window with these. You won’t regret it!
17. Grapes
Grapes! Who doesn’t like them! The color looks amazing. The leaves has a nice mix of different hues of greens. This actually makes a perfect decor for the kitchen.
18. 3D Lotus Flower
Lotus out of pebbles. Now in 3D!
19. Strawberries
It’s probably a nasty trick to pull on kids that can’t exactly differentiate a real strawberries out of those made with pebbles. But, they do make nice decors for the garden!
20. Tulips
Alright. This is not exactly a pebble but it’s just so unique that it has to be included in the list! It’s not a matter of finding pebbles of the right shape. Sometimes, it’s about making a right art out of the shape that you got!
21. Sunflower
You can paint with a brush. You can also paint with pebbles! Make fantastic flowers with them. It’s a matter of picking up the right shaped pebble and go crazy with it.
22. A Sheep Story
Don’t just make art. Tell a story with your pebbles!
23. Stork & Baby
Painting on wall is too mainstream. Make some pebble art instead!
24. Shopping Lady
For those who love to shop. This is the art for you to show off your passion!
25. Pebble Hanger
Not all arts are just for show. This is a hanger with little houses made out of pebbles on top as the decoration. Awesome isn’t it?
26. Owls On Branch
You can never run out of ornaments to put on the wall! The painted owl loos super cute. The flowers and leaves too are made out of pebbles. They’re all sitting harmoniously on a piece of driftwood. You just need a wall to put them on and that’s perfect!
27. Peacock Art
Truly majestic! This peacock is so well made! The beautiful tail is painted beautifully. All pieces are nicely drawn and assembled together on a piece of wood. It’s definitely something you can be proud of and put at a special place that is worthy of it!
28. White Flowering Tree
Painting with pebbles are totally a thing. It’s actually painting on the pebbles then use the pebble to paint a painting. Paintception!
29. Ladybugs
They’re red and they’re cute. You can fill your entire garden with it!
30. Flower Key Holder

This piece takes the whole pebble art thing a step further. It complements the aesthetic quality of a functional key holder. You can probably do the same for other creative project such as decorating flower pots or making a DIY rug.